Thursday, July 24, 2008


It's hard to believe that the term is already coming to an end...and that talk of next term is already starting! (I haven't even used my yarn from last term!) It's also hard to believe that it was easier for me to blog regularly last term, when I was working the whole time, than this time around... so I hope that if the new term starts up in September, I'll be able to get into a good routine and keep up with everybody. Strange that I have more time for blogging and reading blogs when I'm at work than when I'm off for the summer! I think it's the fact that when I'm going to work, I have a set routine and fit everything in at a certain time... not having the routine, lots of things (like my laundry!) go undone!
Anyway... I'm waiting now for Marty to arrive at Matilda's house...shouldn't be much longer! I do hope she enjoys the package I put together for her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way for this term--I'm hoping that returning to work next month will get me all figured out for a good routine for the next term.