Monday, March 24, 2008

Almost ready!

Today I need to get my hands on some wrapping supplies so I can pack up my spoilee's kit. Of course, all of the things I wanted to get or make for the kit didn't get done, or didn't get found. But, I still managed to do a few little extras, and I hope my partner will just love it! If only I had a time-turner, I'd have been able to finish all of the ideas I had about putting in the kit (a whole notebook page full---front and back!)
Another thing that is almost ready is my sweater! I finished the right sleeve (I suppose it could be the left sleeve, but I kept on trying it on my right arm, so it just kind of seems like it should be the right sleeve) last night. Now the left sleeve and the neckline to go. Bummer... I really wanted to finish it and wear it on Thursday (3 weeks after I started it!) but I think I might need a few more days.

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