Monday, February 25, 2008

Back to school

Well, Madam Pomfrey wrote me an excuse note to spend the day yesterday in the Ravenclaw Common Room rather than walking around from class to class since my body was achy from the Muggle Marathon. Most of the aches and pains have subsided, but I fear I may have a slight stress fracture in my left foot. Either way, it's back to classes as usual today. I'll probably take and ice pack and put my foot on it while I'm sitting in class. It gives more discomfort than pain, and is probably just one of those things you have to wait out and let heal on its own... but if it's not feeling better in the next day or so, I'll head back to Madam Pomfrey to have it checked. I just want to give my body some time before I go running to the hospital wing over every little thing... I just ran 26.44 miles (the course is a little long) and I'm bound to be in some pain!

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