Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gooooooo, Ravenclaw!

Get that Snitch!
I don't think I'll be much help in finding the Snitch this time around (I don't know that I'd say I was "much help" finding it last round...but I did try!). It's just hard to set aside time to search on a school day. Lots of classes and homework that I just can't neglect. Also, with all of my classes and work, I can barely keep track of what time the Snitch will be released. The Headmistress is trying to accommodate all of us as much as she possibly can... but I feel almost like I've been put under a Confundus charm after seeing all these different times floating around... I think the Snitch is about to be released soon... or maybe it already has been. Or maybe it's not even the right day! Oh dear... I need a nice mug of hot butterbeer to soothe my nerves!

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