Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Muggle Marathon

Thanks for all of the support and well-wishes! I love that the students of Hogwarts are so supportive of one another!
The Muggle Marathon was alright. I ran slower than I did on the same course last year, but I felt much better than I did last year. Last year, things started to go sour around the 9th mile. This year, I did a good job holding out until the 16th mile! While I would've loved to improve my time, my main goal was to feel better about the run, and I did accomplish that. The course is very hilly and quite challenging.
It was fun to see and hear so many Muggles out cheering and sharing water, oranges, and other treats to help us all through the run. There were loads of runners there, and I think it would be safe to bet that some were Wizards... it seemed that quite a few of the runners had no idea what typical Muggle running clothes look like. I saw someone in a squirrel costume, a tiger mask, dressed up as a bear that young Muggles like called Winnie the Pooh, and someone dressed in a super-heroes costume complete with large red plastic wings.
I picked up an ice pack from Madam Pomfrey, and I might end up spending the day in the hospital wing rather than walking to and from classes tomorrow.

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