Friday, February 22, 2008

Not quite as fast as flying...

Since my family lives so closely with Muggles, I've gotten involved with a few Muggle sports and activities. One of these is running. Sure, I've run to class, and I would certainly run if I saw something strange near the Forbidden Forest, but usually when Wizards need to get somewhere fast, they fly, or Apparate, or travel by Floo Powder or Portkey. Some Muggles love to run places. I guess if you've never felt the breeze on your face as you fly on a broomstick, the feeling you get while running outdoors might be enough. Tomorrow I'm going to leave Hogwarts for a few hours (I've got a permission slip from the Headmistress) and do a Muggle run called a marathon. I will write an update when I return to Hogwarts.


Unknown said...

A marathon! How tremendous! I'll be waiting for you back at Hogwarts with a big fruit smoothie, and maybe one of the house elves can draw you a hot bubble bath too!

Fleur Lovegoods said...

Wow! I am impressed! I have problems running to catch my breath!

Ferula's Fen said...

WOW! I'll be sending you good thoughts and hopes for fleet feet tomorrow - what an accomplishment, you're my hero!

Go Olive! Go Ravenclaw!

Emma Wigworthy said...

'Wow' does sum up how I feel also reading your post! Good luck Olive.

Cassandra Puddlemere said...

Good luck with the marathon, eat loads of carbs and drink lots of water!