Friday, January 4, 2008


Like I said before, I'm very excited to be a Ravenclaw. My dad says he just knew that's where I'd end up, given my academic disposition. I was kind of hoping to be a Gryffindor, although I'm not at all brave... It's just that I heard from my cousin (a Hogwarts alum) that Ron & Ginny Weasley's mum sends them knitted goods, plus I know Hermione Granger has tried her hand at knitting. I thought it would be nice to know that I had someone I could turn to when my knitting has me tied in knots. Turns out, I'm one of many Ravenclaw knitters! There are loads of knitters at Hogwarts, in all the houses. I've joined an extra-curricular group, the Hogwarts Sock Kit Swap 4, that I can just tell is going to be so fun!


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