Saturday, January 5, 2008

Owl Post!

This morning at breakfast in the Great Hall, I was surprised to see Marty flying toward me with a note from Mum and Dad. Mum (of course) says she misses me already, and Dad (of course) reminded me that homework comes first. Grandma wanted to sneak a little something in the post for me as well, and now I have some spending money! Grandmas are the best! I knew just what I wanted to buy with the money from Gran, so I sent Marty to deliver an order form for me to KnitPickery for a knitting needle I need to add to my collection so I can try to make socks using something the muggles call "Magic Loop". Oh, muggles and their magic!

~Olive B.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your owl's so beautiful! I wish my mum would let me get one, but she's been pretty steadfast on the refusal front. It would make getting mail--er, post, so much easier though.